Land Rover Freelander series 1
The Land Rover Freelander Built from 1998 to 2006
This Land Rover Freelander is built from 1998 to late 1999, very early 2000 the immobiliser, alarm and central locking is controlled by the Lucas key fob. The ignition key is a standard Rover type key (the Land Rover Freelander ignition key has no electronics inside) the immobiliser system can be disarmed with the EKA code.

For Land Rover Freelander built for the UK market the remote key fob will be working on 433.92mhz, most of Europe will also be working on 433mhz but may other country markets the frequency will be 315mhz.
To be sure on the correct type of frequency you can look on the back of your existing key fob.
To order a brand new original Lucas remote key fob for your Land Rover Freelander you can programme yourself click here:



If you have lost your key fob you can send us your VIN (vehicle identification number) / Chassis number or the RF radio receiver unit located above the instruments has the 433 or 315mhz marked on the label

Please note the RF radio receiver unit is just an areal for the key fobs. Just the key fobs, this unit receives the signal from the key fob and sends the code to the Lucas 27VT CCU unit. Shown below, the 27VT stores all the codes for the key fobs, alarm, and many other settings.
If your RF receiver is faulty a new unit can be used without ANY configuration / programming. Just plug and paly BUT it must be the same frequency / MHZ as the original.

From 2000 – 2003
If the Land Rover Freelander built from 2000 to 2003, the alarm and central locking is controlled by the standard Lucas key fob. BUT the immobiliser is controlled by a transponder immobiliser chip. See the new type key with a bigger top which contains the transponder immobiliser chip. THIS SYSTEM DOES NOT HAVE AN EKA CODE FITTED

The Freelander immobiliser is controlled by a BMW EWS immobiliser control unit / ECU which is located behind the radio.
Freelander BMW EWS unit is very reliable BUT the transponder CANNOT be copied.

Land Rover Freelander built from 2003 to 2006 the BMW EWS unit was replaced with a black Land Rover unit which is identical to the BMW EWS system. The transponder chip is a Phillips chip which CAN be copied. THIS SYSTEM DOES NOT HAVE AN EKA CODE FITTED
All Freelander serices 1 has the same Lucas 27VT CCU (central control unit) ECU
The Lucas 27VT CCU is located behind the fuse box. The pictures show a right hand drive Freelander a left hand drive is the mirror of the right hand drive.

Lucas 27VT CCU controls all the body systems, central locking, electric windows, windscreen wipers, back door window + many more. If you are having electrical problems start a this point.
Lucas 27VT is configured to your vehicle. You cannot just fit another unit as this will need configuring to your vehicles setting.
Click on the “BUY NOW” above it is 100% safe and fast.
Click on the “BUY NOW” above, the programmer deposit payment is included in the total payment.
We send orders out daily Monday to Friday, when you place your order you will be informed the day the order will be processed, once your order is processed you will be provided a tracking number, we send all orders as fast as we can, we use next day tracked delivery but next day is depending on the time of day you place your order.
We supply a pre-paid return envelope for the programmer return (UK orders ONLY) we refund the payment to the account you used for the initial payment, you will be advised by email or text about the refund and the EKA code.
Yes we have sold 5,000 worldwide and 99.9% work first time.
We give a 14 day money back guarantee, if you are not happy in anyway send the key back for a full refund (we cannot return the postage costs) we have worked on this system for many years we know the faults and the problems so if the key does not work we can usually find out why.
This is why we send a programmer, pressing the buttons a few times will NOT programme in the new key to your Land Rover Freelander
You CANNOT programme in new keys with the emergency key access code, this is why we send you a programmer with the key to programme it to your Freelander.
Ask for your money back go to a main Land Rover dealer with proof you are the legal owner and they will give you the code, most do this for FREE don’t pay for this code (WE ONLY SUPPLY EKA CODES FREE WITH A KEY AND PROGRAMMER PURCHASE)
Take your V5 log book and proof of identity to a Land Rover main dealer and ask for the number; most main Land Rover dealers will help if you ask nicely and most delaers will supply FREE of charge.
We will cut the key totally FREE if you supply us a key to copy from or a ignition key number (the ignition key number is 4 numbers, do not confuse this number with the EKA code, radio code, locking wheel nut code which are also 4 numbers) If your ignition lock / barrel has been changed you will need to copy from a working key unless you have the new code for the new lock.
No, you need the programmer to programme the key’s unique code to your Freelander, new models of Land Rover key are ordered by chassis / VIN number but NOT Land Rover Freelander
We get this every day sorry NO we cannot, don’t waste your money.
Our new key is exactly what is says it will NOT repair faulty parts on your car including the immobiliser, a real expert will know what is causing the fault and repair it..
- Pay online with credit/debit card or Paypal. Our payment system is 100% secure guaranteed or call 07486 860993 to place an order over the phone, postal orders accepted, sorry No cheques.
- All our products are covered by a 12 Month written Guarantee and a 14 day money back guarantee.
- You will receive a full VAT receipt.
- You will get a help line phone number and email for customer support.
- Send all parts, keys and control box’s (ECU’s) to Remote Key Ltd 3 Nea Close Christchurch BH23 4QQ, include your details with your item.
- For full terms and conditions.
N.B. Land Rover remote key fobs are sometimes reffered to as Land Rover Freelander plips, Land Rover Freelander zappers, Land Rover Freelander remotes, Land Rover Freelander immobiliser, Land Rover Freelander immobiliser repair, Land Rover Freelander immobiliser key ,Land Rover Freelander key, Land Rover Freelander replacement key, Land Rover Freelander remote zapper, Land Rover Freelander immobiliser problems, Land Rover Freelander immobiliser reset, Land Rover Freelander immobiliser bypass, Land Rover Freelander immobiliser code, Land Rover Freelander immobiliser removal, Land Rover Freelander immobiliser disable, Land Rover Freelander not starting, Land Rover Freelander red immobiliser light flashing, Land Rover Freelander immobiliser fault, Land Rover Freelander broken key, Land Rover Freelander faulty key, Land Rover Freelander key reapir Freelander remote zappers Land Rover Freelander lost key Land Rover Freelander lost keys Land Rover Freelander lost key fobs All of these common phrases can be used to describe a Land Rover remote key fob.