Please do not sent us threats, email, text’s, WhatsApp messages, we do not have any access to EKA codes, we cannot obtain EKA from a registration, VIN, Chassis number, complain to your local Land Rover dealer not us!
This code is only used in emergencies to start your Land Rover when your remote is lost or it fails to work, get a spare key fob! On many models you need to enter the EKA code EVERY time you need to start your Land Rover so you cannot use this method for a full immobiliser bypass.
We do NOT supply codes via email
You need your EKA code? Go to a Land Rover main dealer with proof of ownership and ask for the EKA code, many dealers will supply free of charge and the code is usually the correct one unlike many purchased from online websites.
PLEASE READ! as we get this question daily: you CANNOT programme new keys, order new keys, or re-programme the immobiliser system with the EKA code.
EKA is used bypass the engine immobiliser in an emergency.
The EKA code is 4 numbers
Do NOT confuse the EKA code with radio codes, locking wheel nut codes, ignition key codes, the EKA code is unique to your vehicle, the code is not shared with any other code.
Land Rover NEVER programmed a MASTER EKA code a master EKA code never existed, you may read on the internet about master EKA codes it is total rubbish.
Your EKA code can be changed if the immobiliser has been replaced or re-programmed.
All Defender, Discovery 1 to 1999 Lucas 10AS systems the EKA code is 1 to 9 the EKA code cannot contain a “0” as you cannot enter a “0”
Discovery 2, Freelander 1 (built before 2000) the EKA code can be 1 to 15 the EKA code cannot contain a “0” as you cannot enter a “0”
The EKA code is found on the security information card supplied with your vehicle.
The code is 4 digits long.
The EKA code IS NOT the code in the key fob.
The grey plastic tag on the keys IS NOT the EKA code, it is the ignition key code.
The EKA code has no connection with the key fob. If you have a new key fob programmed the EKA code will not change.
The EKA code is not written in the immobiliser control box.
You cannot order a new key fob by the using EKA code.
This code should only be used in emergencies, when your key fob fails or it is lost.
Defender, Discovery, Discovery 2, Freelander vehicles have different procedures for entering the EKA code, please select the correct set of instructions below.
PLEASE don’t ask for, Discovery 3, Discovery 4, Freelander 2 (Land Rover LR2) Range Rover L332, Range Rover Sport they do NOT have EKA code systems so you cannot enter an EKA on these vehicles.
This applies to vehicles using the Lucas key fob (as shown)

- With the drivers’s door closed, insert the ignition key into the ignition / starter (as above) turn the position II and leave it in this position for 5 seconds. Then Switch off (position “0”) open and close the drivers door once (the drivers door sensor switch for the interior light must be working)
- Turn the ignition switch to position II and back to position “0” as per the first number on your EKA code (e.g : 6 turn it position II and back to “0” 6 times)
- Open the drivers door, close the drivers door.
- Turn the ignition switch to position II and back to position “0” as per the 2nd number on your EKA code (e.g : 6 turn it position II and back to “0” 6 times)
- Open the drivers door, close the drivers door.
- Turn the ignition switch to position II and back to position “0” as per the 3rd number on your EKA code (e.g : 6 turn it position II and back to “0” 6 times)
- Open the drivers door, close the drivers door.
- Turn the ignition switch to position II and back to position “0” as per the 4th number on your EKA code (e.g : 6 turn it position II and back to “0” 6 times)
- Open the drivers door, close the drivers door.
- If the correct code has been entered the red LED immobiliser light will go out the Defender will now start.
When entering the code, please follow the steps above. The procedure has to be followed exactly as shown below or as described in your handbook or it will not work.
After 3 failed attempts the system will not let you attempt this procedure again for 30 minutes.
Good luck! It’s much easier with a key fob, get a new repalcement key fob NOW, click here

This is for Discovery with the Lucas key fob

ALL doors, back door, bonnet (hood) MUST be closed AND battery fully charged!! if you are using a jump / booster pack you still need the bonnet (hood) closed.

Put the ignition key in the drivers door lock
Turn the key the the LOCK position (clockwise) HOLD this LOCK position for 5 seconds
Return the key to the center position

Turn the key in the driver door lock to the UNLOCK position (anti-clockwise) and back to the center for the 1st number on the EKA code (e.g if the 1st number is 6 Unlock then back to center 6 times)

Turn the key in the driver door lock to the LOCK position (clockwise) and back to the center for the 2nd number on the EKA code (e.g if the 2nd number is 6 Lock then back to center 6 times)

Turn the key in the driver door lock to the UNLOCK position (anti-clockwise) and back to the center for the 3rd number on the EKA code (e.g if the 3rd number is 6 Unlock then back to center 6 times)

Turn the key in the driver door lock to the LOCK position (clockwise) and back to the center for the 4th number on the EKA code (e.g if the 4th number is 6 Lock then back to center 6 times)

Turn the key in the driver door lock to the UNLOCK position (anti-clockwise) ONCE the red LED alarm / immobiliser light will go out the engine will now start.
When entering the code, please follow the steps above. The procedure has to be followed exactly as shown below or as described in your handbook or it will not work.
Good luck, it much easiler with a working key fob, order a brand new fob NOW, click here


This is ONLY for the Valeo key.
ALL doors, back door, bonnet (hood) MUST be closed AND battery fully charged!! if you are using a jump / booster pack you still need the bonnet (hood) closed.
Insert the ignition key into the driver door lock (any key that fits and turns in the door lock will work)

Turn the key in the lock to the UNLOCK position (clockwise) for 5 seconds, the alarm will bleep once.

Turn the key in the driver door lock to the UNLOCK position (clockwise) and back to the center for the 1st number on the EKA code (e.g if the 1st number is 6 Unlock then back to center 6 times)

Turn the key in the driver door lock to the LOCK position (anti-clockwise) and back to the center for the 2nd number on the EKA code (e.g if the 2nd number is 6 Unlock then back to center 6 times)

Turn the key in the driver door lock to the UNLOCK position (clockwise) and back to the center for the 3rd number on the EKA code (e.g if the 3rd number is 6 Unlock then back to center 6 times)

Turn the key in the driver door lock to the LOCK position (anti-clockwise) and back to the center for the 4th number on the EKA code (e.g if the 4th number is 6 Unlock then back to center 6 times)

Turn the key in the lock to the UNLOCK position (clockwise) the alarm will bleep twice (if the alarm bleeps once you have done it wrong and you need to start again)
Wait 5 minutes
Watch the red LED alarm / immobiliser warning light on the instrument panel, yes watch it but do NOT touch the car, do NOT open any doors or turn the lock again!! Leave it alone! the red LED warning light will flash once every 2 seconds
Be ready!! after 5 minutes the red LED alarm / immobiliser warning light will go out.
Quickly put any key that fits the ignition and turns it in the ignition and start the engine.
You ONLY have 30 seconds from the red LED warning light going out to start the engine.
If your Land Rover Discovery 2 EKA code has letters
Your EKA (emergency key access) code will be 4 numbers if Land Rover has supplied you with letters in the code this is Hexadecimal or hex code, this is how you work it out:
A=10 B=11 C=12 D=13 E=14 F=15
If you have an EKA code of A-4-E-6 your EKA code is 10-4-14-6
When entering the code, please follow the steps above. The procedure has to be followed exactly as shown below or as described in your handbook or it will not work.
After 3 failed attempts the system will not let you attempt this procedure again for 10 minutes.
You will need to follow this procedure every time to re-start your Discovery, this is not a permanent bypass solution for the immobiliser system

This works on Freelander 1 with the Lucas key fob to 1999 after 1999 vehicles were NOT fitted with a EKA code as the ignition key was used instead, the ignition key changed from this.

You have EKA fitted
To this key.

NO EKA system fitted
ALL doors, back door, bonnet (hood) MUST be closed AND battery fully charged!! if you are using a jump / booster pack you still need the bonnet (hood) closed.
Insert the ignition key into the driver door lock (any key that fits and turns in the door lock will work)
Start with the car “locked”, make sure it is locked and leave it for a minute.

Unlock the drivers door ONCE turning the key to the UNLOCK position (clockwise) Wait for 6 minutes (time it)

Turn the key in the driver door lock to the LOCK position (anti-clockwise) and back to the center for the 2nd number on the EKA code (e.g if the 2nd number is 6 Unlock then back to center 6 times)
(after 6 minutes) Turn the key in the driver door lock to the UNLOCK position (clockwise) and back to the center for the 1st number on the EKA code (e.g if the 1st number is 6 Unlock then back to center 6 times)

Turn the key in the driver door lock to the UNLOCK position (clockwise) and back to the center for the 3rd number on the EKA code (e.g if the 3rd number is 6 Unlock then back to center 6 times)

Turn the key in the driver door lock to the LOCK position (anti-clockwise) and back to the center for the 4th number on the EKA code (e.g if the 4th number is 6 Unlock then back to center 6 times)

Turn the key in the drivers door to the UNLOCK (clockwise) position ONCE the red LED alarm / immobiliser light will go out the engine will now start.
When entering the code, please follow the steps above. The procedure has to be followed exactly as shown below or as described in your handbook or it will not work.
After 3 failed attempts the system will not let you attempt this procedure again for 10 minutes.