Land Rover Defender All-In-One Key and DIY Programmer (Non-UK Version)
If your Defender is a UK vehicle? click here:

If you have this key fob ?

This all in one combined key is a perfect upgrade, this key works exactly the same as the original Lucas key fob
Has your Land Rover Defender key fob stopped working? Need a spare key fob? Try this combined upgraded key.
We will send you a brand new combined key and a small programmer box.
Plug in the programmer box wait 30 seconds, the new key is programmed and ready to use.
As soon as the programmer has finished programming the new replacement key to your Defender the new key is ready to use immediately.
The Defender Remote key will work in exactly the same way as the original, it works the immobiliser, alarm, central locking (if fitted)
The Defender key will NOT stop any key fobs you already have from working, it will NOT erase them or change the way they operate.
The Defender programmer will only ADD the new remote key to your Land Rover Defender alarm / immobiliser system, any working key fobs will still work alongside the new key fob.
The new Defender key will work if you have lost your key fob
The new Defender key will work if your existing key fob is not working or broken
The new Defender key will work if your immobiliser / alarm is on and you cannot start your car
The new Defender key will work if you cannot turn off the alarm or immobiliser
The new Defender key will work if you do not have the EKA code
The new Defender key will work as a spare key fob
The new Defender key will work with any key fobs you already have working
The new Defender key will NOT change the way your alarm or immobiliser works
The new Defender key will NOT repair a faulty immobiliser
The key Defender fob will NOT programme any other key fob, the programmer will only programme the key fob we supply
If you require 2 key you will need to purchase 2 programmers each key requires 1 programmer
The EKA code is only supplied when the programmer is returned, the programmer reads the existing EKA code from the car
For more information on the EKA code click here
We send you a brand new key fob with a programmer (the key we supply is a brand new and works identical to the Land Rover Defender original equipment)
Our Programming Pod has been engineered specifically to only program remote control key supplied by ourselves, The programming pod will NOT programme any other remote control key fob.

Find the socket shown below, centre box towards the passenger seat.
Plug the programmer on to this socket, wait approx 30 seconds, remote key fob is programmed ready for use.

Plug the programmer onto this socket

For vehicles outside the UK the key fob looks exactly the same but it may work on a different transmission frequency to comply with the rules in your Country
So we can send out the correct type please look at the back of your key fob and look at pictures below and tell us which type you have?




We will cut your new key for Free, we need the ignition key number, this number starts with RO???? followed by 4 numbers.
Or email a good sharp close up photo of your existing key to
Pricing Details Below:
1 x key fob – £113 + shipping (NO UK VAT for orders outside the UK) * EKA CODE SUPPLIED FREE*
£148 total payable now including £35 deposit required for the programmer
£35 refund on return of the programmer within 28 days in the return envelope (return pre-paid is UK orders only)
You pay a Total of £133
You do not have to return the programmer, we keep the £35 deposit.
EKA code supplied free on return of the programmer the EKA code is supplied by email or text.
The deposit is returned to the account used for payment (we do not give out cash or cheques).