Has your Land Rover Defender Battery failed, gone flat, been disconnected, plugged in your caravan or trailer lights?
Your Land Rover Defender will no longer start? Tries to start fires, and cuts out?
Your Land Rover Defender immobiliser system stuck on? red LED immobiliser light stuck on? no response from the key fob, no responce from the EKA code, central locking stuck? (most ALM, the black anti-theft units were never programmed with an EKA code)
This is the Land Rover Defender immobiliser / security control / anti-theft unit found behind the speaker on the dashboard, the unit is held in with 2 x torx screws, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO REMOVE THE WHOLE DASHBOARD
We can repair or replace your security control unit,
We cannot send you a new replacement security control unit until you have sent us your original security control unit. A new security control unit requires security programming to the vehicle. WE NEED YOUR ORIGINAL SECURITY CONTROL UNIT SENDING TO US TO SO WE CAN CONFIGURE THE NEW SECURITY CONTROL UNIT we take care of all the programming. On arrival back with you the new unit will be ready to use, no programming required.
To supply a brand new security control unit you need to send us your original security control unit from your Defender, we will configure a brand new security unit from to data from your original security control unit so the brand new security control unit is ready to use.
A repaired security control unit will be plug and play, ready to use.
Send your ORIGINAL Defender anti theft / security control box + ALL key fobs (we do not require the ignition keys) to:
Remote Key Ltd
3 Nea Close
BH23 4QQ
PLEASE include your details so we can easily identify who has sent it, we will contact you when your security control box has arrived and been fully tested.
Please contact us if you are sending items from outside the UK
Prices – ALL prices include VAT and UK insured tracked post.
1 x Repair – Usually around £195* including post and VAT, we carry out a full test on your security control box first and we will give you a definite repair price before we do any work on your box, no faults or if it cannot be repaired no charge, always in stock (a repair does not rectify the design problem with the original Land Rover anti-theft unit, we advise you replace the old vehicle battery with a brand new quality battery)
1 X Basic replacement security control anti-theft box £299 including post and VAT a basic security unit will remove the whole Defender security / alarm system on your Land Rover Defender, this basic security unit is a total bypass of the Land Rover Defender security system, alarm , immobilizer, central locking, key fobs (no key fobs are supplied the security unit does not require any) the Defender will start with just the ignition key. You need to send your original security control box to us, a basic control unit will not work until it’s been correctly programmed / configured, we take care of all the programming using the data from the original unit, even if the original security unit is faulty.
1 x Full function replacement security control box £499 (inc 2 x brand new standard Lucas fobs,including post and VAT all in one keys and folding keys available at extra cost) This control unit is a fully functioning unit exactly the same as the original with all alarm, immobiliser, central locking. (This full unit can be configured with many options, e.g no alarm, no immobiliser, just central locking)
A repair takes about 24 to 48 hours we fully test every part of the unit, PLEASE send in your key fobs with the unit so we can fully test the operation of the remote key fobs, your immobiliser control box will be returned ready to plug back in, no programming required.
For replacement units we copy the essential data / programming codes from your original control box so the replacement is ready programmed / coded ready to fit and use so no further programming is required, we can get a brand new unit ready within 24 hours.
We repair these units daily, PLEASE don’t mess with the units, we see MANY units totally beyond any repair because repairs have been attempted, many problems are with the software so replacing electronic components will not work. If your unit has repairs attempted by another company and this has failed we will only supply you with a brand new unit.
If your Land Rover security unit is faulty the key fobs and the EKA code will NOT work, don’t ask us for the EKA and say “it will not work” if your unit has a fault it will not accept the EKA code, the EKA code will NOT work.
And NO the vehicle will not start with the immobiliser anti theft box removed, you cannot just remove the immobiliser unit and it will all work! we do get this question every day!
And YES fit a good battery, not the key fob battery the big battery under the passenger seat, the vehicles battery is the heart of any system and we recommend a new quality battery is fitted every 7 years.
We cannot send you a replacement security unit as a new security unit requires security programming to the vehicle.

New Land Rover Defender security unit with 2 x standard Lucas key fobs

New Land Rover Defender security unit with 2 x “all in one” combined keys.

Part numbers:
Land Rover Defender ALM module
CH12-15K600-AC (CDL) 315MHZ
LR084666 Module door lock and alarm
We can repair the CH part numbers with the Lucas key fobs, the DH parts we can only supply a brand new replacement unit at the moment, we cannot repair or supply replacement key fobs for DH (the key fobs with the chrome strip) at the moment, this is being researched at the moment.
The new Land Rover Defender security unit we supply will replace all original Defender security control units fitted to TD5 (year 1999) to Land Rover Defender Puma engine versions, we require your original unit to copy the data to the replacement so it will be plug and play or the replacement will require specialist programming to your Defender.
The new Land Rover Defender security unit can be programmed to the vehicle using ONLY the original Land Rover IDS or SDD we have used original Land Rover IDS or SDD which works fine, many non original diagnostic tools will NOT programme as the PCM requires FULLY re-programming (this is if you carry out the programming yourself) we advise you send us the original unit so we can programme the replacement unit for you so it is ready to plug and play.
We cannot send out a replacement unit ready programmed from the information printed on the label on the original unit.
For a replacement unit to work we need the ORIGINAL unit sending to us NOT just the part number from the label or you need IDS or SDD diagnostic tool to carry out the programming of the replacement unit and someone who knows how to use the diagnostic tools.
All Defender from 1995 were fitted with a security system this was a Lucas 10AS system, the system was also used on Discovery 1 from 1995 to 1999, Discovery 2 has a Valeo BCU system.
Land Rover Defender Puma 2012 to 2014 the original Lucas 10AS immobiliser unit became obsolete / unobtainable / discontinued so a replacement unit was fitted, the unit (part numbers above) this unit is a clone of the Lucas 10AS system, the difference is the original Lucas 10AS was in a green box enclosure the replacement box is in a black box enclosure the fittings, wiring plugs and key fobs are identical to the original Lucas system BUT the diagnostics / programming system changed so you can no longer use the old Lucas programming / diagnostics for the black unit.
The black Chinese built unit has a software problem when the power is interrupted / disconnected / low, the software gets scrambled / crashes and the system no longer responds to the remote key fobs, EKA code or diagnostics, you may get the red LED immobiliser warning light to flash in a different pattern when a key fob is used but the immobiliser will not switch off.
Defender 2014 to 2016 end of manufacture the replacement black box became obsolete / unobtainable / discontinued so another replacement unit was fitted which has different key fobs which have a chrome strip down one side and the wiring has an adaptor + an external satellite / receiver box.
If your Lucas 10AS or the 2012 to 2014 black immobiliser / security unit fails a Land Rover main dealer will fit the 2014 to 2016 replacement unit at a cost of around £700 + programming, you will also get new key fobs.
ANY brand new replacement unit will require programming with the correct Land Rover tool, MANY, MANY garages have purchased the replacement units and have been unable to programme them and Land Rover will NOT accept returns, we will repair the original unit as long as you have not attempted ANY programming which will erase all the settings and it will require a main dealer to re-set the system.
The Lucas 10AS come in 2 types
1 With central door locking / power door locking / CDL
2 Without central door locking / power door locking / CDL
The 2012 to 2014 units are the same as the original Lucas 10AS so if you have not got central door locking / power door locking / CDL fitted and you want to fit it you need the immobiliser / security control unit with CDL fitted.
A problem with Defender 2012 onwards with the black unit fitted is they don’t function with LED interior lighting, LED lights cause problems with the interior light circuit failing when LED’s are used, our brand new replacement units fully support LED lights.


Land Rover 10AS ECU

Land Rover 17VT ECU