Have you lost your keys to your Mazda B2500?
Has the immobiliser failed on your Mazda B2500?
Simply remove the original immobiliser control unit, send it to us at:
Remote Key Ltd
3 Nea Close
BH23 4QQ
PLEASE include your details so we know who has sent it and we can contact you.
We will return you a plug in unit which will start your Mazda B2500 again without the need for special chipped / transponder equipped keys.
Prices :
£130 including insured post and VAT

Find the unit shown below behind the dashboard as circled above, the unit is marked “Mitsubishi” it is clipped on and

Send the unit shown above to: Remote Key Ltd, 3 Nea Close, Christchurch, BH23 4QQ. PLEASE include your details so we can easily identify who has sent it, we will contact you when your replacement box is ready.

We will send you a new immobiliser unit ready to plug in and it will start your Mazda b2500
This product will also work on a Ford Ranger, click on this link: