This key fob will need programming to your vehicle with specialist equipment
If your key fob has failed you do not have the EKA code facility but try having a look through our Rover 100 Key Fob FAQ page.
Send us your Rover 100 alarm/immobiliser ECU to us and we will programme a new key fob to it. We will send it back usually within 48 hours and you can plug the ECU back into your Rover 100 and it will work straight away.
The alarm and immobiliser can be removed from your vehicle, send your alarm / immobiliser ECU shown below.
This alarm / immobilser control box ECU is located behind the glove box, you will need to remove the glove box to gain access, your vehicle will not start while the box is removed.
Prices – Inc Special insured postage
1 X Key Fob – £104.99 (inc VAT & insured postage
The picture below is the immobiliser / alarm box it is called a Lucas 5AS unit, we need this control box removing from the car and you need to send it to us for programming, please follow the pictures below which show how to remove the box.

On the passenger side of the car remove the glovebox (the glovebox is the rectangular box with a front flap on the passenger side, the box you fill with rubbish) remove the 4 x screws on hinge, the box will slide out, the box will have a wire with a light attached, disconnect the plug from the light.

This picture below shows the glovebox removed

The box we require is shown below, the box is held in place with 2 x 10mm plastic nuts, unscrew these nuts the box will drop down, the box will have a grey wireing plug, the plug has a clip in the top middle, press the clip the plug can be pulled out, the box is now free.

Put the box inside a cardboard box or a good jiffy / padded bag and put the address below on the front of the box /jiffy bag:
Remote Key Ltd
3 Nea Close
BH23 4QQ
PLEASE, PLEASE include a note with your contact information so we can identify who has sent the unit.
Take the unit to a post office and post it (special delivery is recommended
You can PAY NOW using the above PAY NOW button or wait till we contact you when your box is programmed ready to be returned.
It will take 24 to 48 hours for us to programme the box.
On return you will need to re-fit the box.
NO you cannot drive the car without the box fitted.