This is how we can supply you with a full brand new replacement key for your MGZT and MGZTT
A MGZT / MGZTT key comes in 2 parts
Inside the key is a small “transponder” chip, this is the immobiliser control chip, this makes the car
start automatically without any batteries or pressing any buttons.
This transponder chip CANNOT be copied to make another key, we have to produce a brand new chip.
The green part with the battery is the circuit board which control the central remote locking and alarm system.
This green circuit board CANNOT be copied to make another key, we have to produce a brand new circuit board.

The green part with the battery is the circuit board which control the central remote locking and alarm system.
This green circuit board CANNOT be copied to make another key.

For us to make / supply / manufacture a brand new immobiliser transopnder chip for your MGZT / MGZTT we need you to send us the electronic immobiliser controler unit from your MGZT / MGZTT vehicle, this is a BMW / Rover part sometimes called an EWS

The above box immobiliser control box is found behind the light switch, the box is fastened with 2 x 5 point Security Torx screws

Remove the box and send it to us
Send the above box to us at:
Remote Key Ltd
3 Nea Close
BH23 4QQ
PLEASE include your details so we can identify who it belongs to
If you have an original key that fits the ignition and locks also send this to us.
We will cut the new key fom your old key ready to fit your ignition and locks.
On return the immobiliser box will require re-fitting / plugging back into your MGZT / MGZTT, the brand new key we have made will be ready cut and ready to start the car.
To make remote control button part of the brand new key we have supplied to work we send you a small red “programmer”

MGZT / MGZTT Remote Key Fob and Programmer
Simply turn on the ignition and plug in the programmer onto the socket, just above the foot pedals as shown below:

Plug the Programmer on the socket shown above, wait 30 seconds, the remote button part of the brand new key we have supplied is programmed ready for use, press the lock button and the car will lock, press the un-lock button the car will un-lock, identical to the original MGZT / MGZTT key.
If your remote is broken but you can still start the car you can programme in a new remote and programme it at home with our programmer we supply, you then transfer the immobiliser chip from your old key to the new key.
We will send you a key and a programmer.
The key is built in the UK ultra robust, 12 months written guarantee.
If you have lost all your keys we need the immobiliser control box and the boot lock to cut the new key and make the key fit your all your locks if you have no boot lock we will need a door lock but they are awkward to remove.
Prices –
1 X MGZT – MGZTT 75 Key – £120 (inc VAT & special insured delivery)
£150 total payable now, £30 deposit required for the programmer, send the programmer back we return the £30, you pay £120 in total
We supply a pre-paid return envelop for the programmer
The new key will work with any existing keys, existing keys will still work as normal.
If you have a diagnostic programmer we send the key with the full programming bar-code, contact us for trade sales.

MG-ZT & MG-ZTT Remote Key Fob and Programmer

Find this socket located below the main light switch on the drivers right hand side of the dashboard. Plug the Programmer on the socket shown above, wait 30 seconds, the remote part of the key is programmed ready for use

Above is the “transpoder” immobiliser control chip, remove the back of the key, carefully remove the chip and put it in the new key.