The red immobiliser light must flash when starting is attempted

Plug in the bypass, a socket is located on the passenger side of the dashboard to the right of the fuses.

The wire from the bypass is plugged into the key reader round the ignition.

The wire from the bypass will push in to this plug</span
The Red immobiliser light will still flash as normal, when the van is started the light will go out.
The remote control central locking will carry on working as normal, if it was working (this bypass will NOT repair the remote central locking)
Any key that fits the ignition will start the van, this can be a plain key with no electronics.
The bypass will not change any settings on the vehicle, this will not affect the central door locking, erase any keys or programme keys, the bypass can be removed and no changes will be made to your vehicle
The bypass will NOT work if any ECU (electronic control box) has been changed, a new engine has been fitted, the bypass will NOT programme new ECU’s, keys, repair broken wire,s blown fuses, or flat batterys
Prices –
1 x Nissan Kubistar immobiliser bypass 2003 – 2008 – £98.99 (inc VAT & insured 24 to 48 hour delivery)
Yes we have sold 15,000 worldwide and 99.9% work first time.
We give a 14 day money back guarantee, if you are not happy in anyway send the bypass back for a full refund (we cannot return the postage costs) we have worked on this system for many years we know the faults and the problems so if the bypass does not work we can usually find out why, the most common reasons for the bypass not working is you supply us with the wrong code, check the letters and number very closely “5” and “S” “G” and “6” are most often mistaken, the letter “I” and the number “1” the letter “O” and the number “0” don’t make any difference and check the obvious that if you are looking in the service book that the service book belongs to the vehicle, if you do get the code wrong we will re-programme the bypass for free, you don’t pay for another bypass.
The bypass unit is built in the UK by our parent company in the Midlands and fully tested to assure it is fully working and it will last the rest of the vehicles life which many have done, the bypass can be removed and the car will go back to exactly the way it was before, the bypass does not re-programme anything on your car or it does not change any settings.
It depends on your insurance company, we have checked with a few but not all companies and the response we have is the bypass is only plugged in and not permanently fixed and the original manufacture immobiliser is still fitted it is NOT a modification so it does not affect your insurance (please check with your own insurance company)
You can enter a code on some the early infrared clio immobiliser systems but on the 1998 onwards vehicles you cannot.
This is total rubbish the computer diagnostic systems are not blocked because the immobiliser is on.
When trying to start the car the engine will turn over / the starter motor engages and the engine turns and the red LED immobiliser light flashes the immobiliser is still ON so with the red LED immobiliser light flashing the immobiliser has not gone off so you have an immobiliser problem.
The UCH is the name Renault give the computer control unit which contains the immobiliser functions + many other functions like lights, horn, direction indicators, the other names for this are body control unit, BSI + many more, you cannot just fit a new unit or a second-hand unit as they are “coded”
The bypass will work if you have a faulty key, the bypass will bypass the electronics in the key so a normal key will start the car once bypassed.
Don’t guess at the number, each car has a unique supplementary key number, take your V5 log book to a Renault main dealer and ask for the number; most main Renault dealers will help if you ask nicely, Renault may not supply the 8 digit supplementary key number they may just supply the 4 number immobiliser code, we can supply a bypass from either number.
We get this every day sorry NO we cannot, don’t waste your money, new keys can only be ordered from a Renault main dealer, seller always say “fully working and tested it will only need programming to your car by pressing the buttons in the car and the key” a load of rubbish don’t waste your money.
- Pay online with credit/debit card or Paypal. Our payment system is 100% secure guaranteed or call 07565 505 572 to place an order over the phone, postal orders accepted, sorry No cheques.
- All our products are covered by a 12 Month written Guarantee and a 14 day money back guarantee.
- You will receive a full VAT receipt.
- You will get a help line phone number and email for customer support.
- Send all parts, keys and control box’s (ECU’s) to Remote Key Ltd 3 Nea Close Christchurch BH23 4QQ, include your details with your item.
- For full terms and conditions.