The UCH / Body system control unit / BSI controls the immobiliser + it has many other functions like, central locking, hazards, windscreen wipers + many more.
The UCH control unit suffers from general failure or very common water damage.
Remove the plastic cover from round the steering column.
Look to the right-hand side of the steering column, you will see the control box as shown above.

The UCH control unit has 2 plugs 1 x white 1 x black
The UCH control unit can get very dirty and damp, remove the UCH control unit and open it up.

Look at the circuit board, if you see any damp / corrosion this is the problem, some times just the black connector may just be suffering from a dry joint, un-plugging and re-pugging in the black connector can re seat the connections.
PLEASE don’t use WD40 use a brake cleaner or a proper electrical spray.
If the UCH unit is corroded this will need replacing, a replacement UCH unit is about £130, PLEASE order the part from a Renault dealer as they are cheaper than a Vauxhall dealer, the part is a Renault part, the UCH needs programming, we can carry out the programming, we need the original UCH unit and a replacement, we do not supply replacement units as they are only obtainable brand new from a main dealer, we can use second-hand units, we copy the data information from the original unit to a replacement unit so it is a 1 to 1 copy / clone so the replacement unit will be ready to fit.
CAN (central area network)
The UCH is the main CAN control see
If your Vauxhall Vivaro red LED immobiliser light is on solid / not flashing / staying on constantly the CAN has a fault so the immobiliser is fine it works BUT it has lost a connection with the electrical CAN system on your Vivaro, this cannot be repaired by the bypass as the fault is usually a corroded / broken wire.